At Hub Labels, we are lucky to consider ourselves a part of many different communities. There are the local communities here at home around our facility that our employees, their friends, and their families all belong to. There is also the greater label industry community that we feel welcomed by and have grown to become a deep part of. Whichever community it might be, we feel that it is important to give back as much or more than we receive in an effort to enrich all those involved. On this page you’ll find all of the organizations and other types of non-profits that we are proud to give our time and energy to.
- MD Green Registry
- Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP)
- Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute (TLMI)
- TLMI Project L.I.F.E
- Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI)
- Random Acts of Green
- Flexographic Technical Association (FTA)
- G7 – Idealliance
- Maryland World Class Consortia (MWCC)
- Virginia Chamber of Commerce
- New Jersey Packaging Executive Club (NJEC)
- Washington County Chamber of Commerce
- Brewers Association of Maryland (BAM)
- Cosmetic Industry Buyers & Suppliers (CIBS)
- Naturally Network / Naturally Boulder
- Washington/Frederick County Lean Peer Group
Hub Labels has been a family business since being founded over 40 years ago and a deep part of that family fabric is woven by supporting and giving back to our local communities. Our whole Hub Labels family calls these communities home for their families, friends, and themselves, so it’s important to us to give back and support these communities whenever possible. Below we’ve listed many of the non-profit causes we have had the opportunity to support over the years.
- Labor of Love
- Brook’s House
- Otis Sake
- Doey’s House
- Humane Society of Washington County
- Big Brother’s Big Sisters
- Adopt A Highway
- United Way – Washington County
- Cumberland Valley Breast Cancer
- Children in Need
- Red Cross
- San-Mar Children’s Village
- Micah’s Backpack
- Hunters and Farmers Feed the Hungry